Personal Trainer Business Develpoment

When choosing a fitness instructor qualification you should be aware that though diabetes is a common enough ailment these days, fitness trainers with clients suffering from this ailment, need to pay special attention when monitoring their exercise intensity. During any type of exertion, since diabetes makes it difficult to monitor the client’s heart rate, it is recommended that the trainer uses RPE i.e. ratings of perceived exertion.

Diabetic clients can develop a condition of low blood sugar if put through lengthy exercises. During your level 3 personal trainer courses you will have learnt that such clients need a sugar blood test both before and after the exercise, along with RPE monitoring. This will help to keep a check on the client’s intensity levels.

Different types of diabetes

To deal with situations as above, as a personal trainer you have to learn more about diabetes. There are three different types.

Type 1 diabetes is a condition which normally affects young adults and children when their bodies do not produce insulin, a hormone which regulates blood sugar. To control this condition insulin injections are given and the patient needs to have a balanced, healthy diet.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body produces insulin, but is unable to use it, resulting in high blood sugar. This is the most common form of diabetes.

Type 3 diabetes is known as gestational diabetes. This condition is found in pregnant mothers when their sugar levels rise above normal. Studies reveal that during pregnancy the hormones regulating the blood sugar get blocked by hormones which are produced during the gestational period, leading to diabetes.

Workouts for diabetic clients

As mentioned above when you work with a client suffering from diabetes you need to take the right precautions. Details of such precautions will be available in a business course for personal trainers.

Tracking blood sugar levels

The body produces insulin and glucagon hormones through the pancreas. This happens so that blood sugar levels stay regulated. During a meal the blood sugar level goes up, and insulin gets released in the blood stream.

When this happens, the blood sugar level gets lowered and reverts to its resting levels. When the stomach is empty or there is a low blood sugar condition, glucagon gets released, raising the blood sugar level to normal.

Precautions to be taken:

As a personal trainer you should guide your diabetic clients to take the following precautions:

  1. Be vigilant on fasting glucose levels.
  2. Monitor blood glucose before and after the exercise.
  3. To avoid hypoglycemia, consume carbohydrates.
  4. If insulin is required, avoid injecting it into muscles that will be used during the exercise.
  5. Avoid becoming dehydrated the client should drink enough water.
  6. During peak insulin activity, exercises should be avoided.
  7. A regular regime of exercises should be followed with regard to time and intensity.
  8. Wearing a medical identification tag and exercising with a partner is advised.
  9. Care should be taken with regard to footwear. Clean socks and the right shoes should be worn so that problems like blisters, sores, cuts etc. do not occur.
  10. If the exercises start to cause pain, immediately discontinue the same.

Every client is unique, so will require tailored attention. Stay alert and keep in mind the lessons learnt during your fitness trainer certifications. You should then have no problem in training diabetic clients.

Boost your Child’s Metabolism Through Fitness

Four Tips to Boost your Child’s Metabolism Through Fitness

kids boot camp running

In today’s world, every child person is inundated with information about the right kind of diet to follow. From your kids personal trainer, to your class mates at school, everyone has an opinion on what you should eat to lose weight. Children’s Fitness Sydney is a program dedicated to getting your kids fitness and healthy. they will do wonders for your child’s body and self-esteem, but your child must have a proper diet to help you lose weight and get fit.

Exercise more: The best way to improve your kids metabolism is to exercise more. Weight training or basically concentrating on building muscles will ensure that your kid burns more calories. This means they will lose weight faster. High intensity cardiovascular workouts are extremely beneficial for those children who are looking to improve their metabolism.

If you live within walking distance of your school, grocery store or church, make it a habit to walk to these destinations more often. You would not believe how many calories you can burn if you do these little exercises in addition to your routine. This is why a kids fitness personal trainer is highly recommended.

Eat more: You may feel surprised to read this, but it is true. Eat small wholesome meals in two hour intervals in order to boost your metabolism. Your body works off all the calories you ingest when you eat small meals and this prevents the storage of fats. So eat more and eat healthy is the motto of our kids trainers in Sydney. Starving yourself is never the answer weight loss. You may lose little weight initially, but eventually your body trains itself to use lesser amounts of calories. This leaves you feeling weak and uneasy.

Sleep more: Your body faces a lot of wear and tear throughout the day. In addition to this, to keep it in top condition, you must exercise rigorously. To make sure your body regenerates well, you must sleep well. Not sleeping well leaves your body tired and cranky. Studies show that people who do not have regular sleeping hours eat more and gain more weight. It also hampers their productivity levels throughout the day.

Drink lots of water throughout the day. This keeps you hydrated, and makes you feel less hungry. It also rejuvenates your metabolism. Eat plenty of fruits, dry fruits and nuts. Green vegetables are a great addition to your diet. All these are energy boosting foods that increase your metabolism.

Improving your metabolism is the first of many ways to improve your health and lose weight. However, only having a balanced diet is not enough. Since most of us lead sedentary lifestyles, it is a good idea to enroll in kids boot camp in the Northern Beaches to take good care of your body.

Kettlebell Training For Weight Loss

Since it is most people as wish to achieve weight loss at some level, you can be sure all ways and means are tried out as many of which do not work. This is because there are many myths that exist when it comes to losing weight. The following tips helped making the best female weight loss success stories on the internet, you can see the full article at Functional Fitness Courses.

Dieting Vs Kettlebell Training

It is easy for people to give up certain foods that add unwanted kilos to the body, thinking they will lose weight. There is a whole selection of food choices available so just cutting out some foods rich in sugars and fats to lose weight is not always the best answer.

Whatever foods you consume you still need to burn calories. This is done by training with a kettlebell. It does not mean you have to rush off to the gym and sweat it out for a couple of hours. You can grab yourself a kettlebell and smash out a quick 30-minute workout.

Here are my workout tips : Kettlebell training will not only boost your heart, it will also help stable blood pressure levels and give you an all-over feeling of good health. You can start with a 30 minute walk and if time and opportunity permit, repeat it least 5 times in a day. Once you are comfortable with the kettlebell routine you can increase the time and briskness of your movements.

Becoming a certified kettlebell instructor is a great way to learn how to use kettlebells correctly so you can enjoy training safely.

Low Metabolic Ratemuscle

It is certainly a myth that if you have a low metabolic rate you will weigh more. When gain body fat, it also develops muscle to support the fat.

This means that your weight includes around 30% muscle. If you have more muscle, the muscle tissue will burn more calories and increase your metabolic rate. So such excess weight shows up as greater metabolic rate.

Genetic Inheritance

Inheriting weight from your parents is a total myth. What you inherit are specific genes and there is certainly no gene called a fat gene. What could have spiked such a myth is, when in a particular family you see a few members tending to go the obese way.

This is because if the parents are obese it may be because of their wrong eating and lifestyle habits. Having indulged themselves they pass on these wrong habits to the children who will in turn become obese.

Avoid carbohydrates

You may have heard that carbohydrates are not good when it comes to weight loss. What you need to understand is that carbohydrates are a primary source of fuel which is required for your body’s engine.

If you eat food containing simple carbohydrates (unlike high fructose corn syrup and sugar) you will be eliminating the high calorie content of carbohydrates and this will help in losing weight. A diet which includes complex carbohydrates such as starches and whole grain and is low in fat will definitely help when it comes to weight loss.

High protein

Yes. Protein is good, but if your meals mainly consist of high protein food such as eggs, cheese, meat etc you may be building excess cholesterol and fat which can lead to heart disease. You should make your meal a mix of fruits, whole grains and vegetables which will add the required minerals and vitamins your body requires.

Late Night Eating

If you have a heavy meal containing too many calories and go to bed late, your body will store these extra calories in the form of fat. So if you need to have a heavy meal when out or entertaining, make sure you leave enough time to digest the food before hopping into bed.